Why The Cravory’s Cookies Make A Great Closing Gift

November 2, 2021
By Scott Sillari

Utilize the power of cookies when sending gifts to clients.

Today I’m interviewing someone a little different than usual, but I think you’re really going to like it. Not only do they have a lot of insight, but they can add some sweetness to your day. Collin Smith of The Cravory got his start working from a farmers market in 2009. For their first five years, they were a small farmers market company, but in 2014, they opened their first building. Today, his business might be just what you need to close on a sweet deal.

You can listen to my full interview with Collin, or you have skip around to each topic using the timestamps provided below:

0:24 — Introduction to Collin Smith

0:52 — Backstory of Collin and The Cravory

3:20 — Importance and examples of branding

4:52 — Cravory's Closing Gift process

7:26 — How Collin organizes and services his database

12:22 — Collin's business-related plans for the holidays

16:01 — Collin's contact info and closing statements

Hopefully, you enjoyed our conversation. If you have any questions about today’s topic or anything else, please call or email me. I’m happy to help.


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