Use Your CRM in Your Gmail With Our Extension!

November 3, 2020
By Scott Sillari

With our new Gmail extension, your blood pressure is going to go way down.

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Work in Your CRM From Your Inbox With CBX Gmail Extension!

Welcome back to another episode of Real Tech Talk. Today I’m super excited to show you a brand-new product that we’ve been working on for the last five months that will allow you to add more contacts to your database than you ever could before.

This product is a Gmail extension and interacts with most of the major CRMs, including Boomtown, Firepoint, Follow Up Boss, Chime, Sierra, Brivity, LionDesk, and RealGeeks. The teams that have been using this extension have provided us with great feedback so far.

We’re so excited to offer this to
the real estate community.

If you want to try it, there’s a free trial out there right now for you to enjoy. The upgraded version is $10/month, but we will also be rolling out a version of the extension that’s always free for every Realtor. You don’t have to ever upgrade if you don’t want to. Keep an eye out for it in the next few weeks.

I’m so excited to offer this to the real estate community. When you’re in your Gmail inbox, a few simple clicks are all you’ll need to add contacts from your sphere into your database. Not only will it save you a ton of time from going back and forth between your email and your CRM, but it will also increase the size and scope of your database.

After you add your contacts, you can add tasks to have more deliberate information for those people who may have fallen through the cracks in the past. This tool allows you to get that contact in your database, add follow-up tasks, add notes, and more before you even get them into your pipeline.

To try it out yourself, click here!

This is really going to increase your productivity and your lead follow up. If you have questions for me about the extension or anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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