Case Study:
The Briley Real Estate Team

" It's money well spent and time is everything. The value of time is everything. Who cares about the cost, right? When you get back three, four, five, 6 hours and we're talking, sometimes we spend weeks, weeks trying to figure out these problems and you guys were able to solve it in a matter of hours. "

The Briley Real Estate Team

How we help Koby streamline his operations

We sat down with Koby Sway, who has been in the real estate industry for 3 years and working with the Briley Team with 50 agents. And the problem he and his team was facing is that when the company scaled and grows, there are a lot of manual data entry tasks, using google sheets and having 7 different CRMs for manual and training.

His team has been doing manual data entry, and none of their systems talk to each other or communicate. As they scaled, they started an insurance and mortgage company and they ended up having to do the same manual work with 6 other CRMS for other companies.

You can know it all and learn tech, but why spend those time when you can hire an IT professional like Real Synch?

He realized that he had to scale and make his systems more efficient. And with this, he also mentioned that since Real estate agents can choose the team they're going to join, it will be a plus if their systems are automated and integrated because they will have more time freedom and not do all the admin and manual data entry that can be automated.

Real Synch has helped him through our integration solutions. We solved his operational and tech issues in getting data into his CRM without them learning how to use Zapier. Now, all their lead sources, like or Zillow are fully integrated into their CRM.

And that made his real estate agents happy, and their insurance and mortgage company work together to provide a better client experience. We also helped him out with his mailing system where he sends emails to their clients, and we integrated that into his CRM, which is Sierra Interactive.

Before, they were using seven CRMs, but right now it’s down to 3 CRMs since we eliminated the other four and made the 3 CRMs talk to each other. Now, their sales process is aligned in all of their companies, making it easier for them and their clients.

Real Synch solves any issues immediately, unlike most companies with a chat widget bot that you can just pick up the phone and shoot down. And I say this because it's true, like this time. You guys know what you have. And I love it when you guys or your team say, "I'm not sure how to do this today, Koby, but I'll get back to you and figure it out." Whenever you called me back, you would say you figured out the problem and found a solution. You guys have solved a lot of crazy tasks and solved problems.


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