How We Help You Migrate Data From One CRM to Another

August 11, 2021
By Scott Sillari

This is how we migrate CRM data between platforms for our clients.

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A lot of our clients have been asking about how we migrate data from one CRM to another, so today we’ll be giving you an inside look into how we do it.

There are going to be times when you need to move everything between CRM systems, but it’s important to do it accurately and effectively. Otherwise, things could get lost in the transition and derail your lead-generation processes.

"If you’re in a position where you need to migrate data and want to ensure you can transfer as much as possible, reach out to us."

Not all CRM systems are made the same, and many of them have different rules on what you’re allowed to migrate out of their API. Fortunately, most allow you to migrate contact data, activity feeds, tags, tasks, action plans, and campaigns. However, the most important data that you want to migrate is the search data. This can be a very complicated process, and most CRMs won’t allow you to do it.

Your last resort is to migrate via Excel spreadsheets, as it’s much more effective to use APIs instead. If you’re in a position where you need to migrate data and want to ensure you can transfer as much as possible, reach out to us. We’ll help you understand the specifics of what you’ll be able to migrate and how you can transfer it from one CRM to another.

CRM data migration is something we’re happy to do for our clients. If you need assistance in moving from one CRM platform to another, feel free to contact us. We look forward to helping you soon.


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