Dan Corkill on the Future of Tech in Real Estate

August 24, 2021
By Scott Sillari

How an Aussie became the cutting edge of American Realtor CRMs.

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Today I am pleased to speak with the CEO and co-founder of Follow Up Boss, Dan Corkill. He’s been in the business and tech worlds for a while, so he has a lot of valuable insight to share. Even though he’s an Aussie, he has extensive experience working with American real estate agents to solve their database needs. Not only that, but his company is on the cutting edge of real estate CRMs.

You can watch the full interview in the video above, or you can skip around using the timestamps below:

0:00 — Introduction

0:40 — The story of Follow Up Boss

2:12 — How does an Australian get involved in American real estate?

7:28 — How did you decide to be a team-focused service?

9:48 — What have you done to stay ahead of the curve?

14:01 — How community feedback improves Follow Up Boss

18:30 — What do you see for the future of tech in real estate?

20:55 — Wrapping up

If you have any questions for me or Dan, please reach out. We look forward to speaking with you.


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