Case Study:
Clay Byrne

" Real Synch removed the headache, the pain, and the suffering of having to sort out all the leads coming in from different sources. I can sleep at night now, knowing that everything is taken care of "

Clay Byrne

How Real Synch helped Clay Bryne sleep at night

Clay has been in the real estate industry for 25 years and leads a medium size team in Central Texas, selling about 150 homes a year.

He has many lead generation resources and was struggling to find a way to integrate all of these sources into his CRM.

"I was losing my mind trying to keep up with everything…"

Without a streamlined way to collect and track leads, it's difficult to know what's working and what's not, making it hard to focus your efforts on the most effective channels.

"If you have a growing team, a lot of lead sources, and you're making a big jump in revenue, you have a lot of other things to worry about, so leverage is the name of the game."

As a result of working with Real Synch and the integration and automation we built, Clay no longer has to worry about the headache or pain of sorting out leads as they come in.

Clay's Recommendation:

Scaling your business can be very stressful. Because Real Synch takes care of integrating his systems, he doesn't have to worry anymore about data not moving from his lead generation applications to his CRM. He can now focus on helping his agents and growing his business.


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