All About VoicePad

February 9, 2021
By Scott Sillari

VoicePad founder Randall Standard shares how his products can help you.

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Today I have Randall Standard, the founder of VoicePad, here with us. He’s sharing information about his products and what they can do to help real estate businesses. VoicePad makes agents more productive, streamlines business, saves time, and more. These are things business owners are always trying to do, especially as they’re adding new technology into their business.

Feel free to watch the full message above, or use these timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video:

0:05 — Introduction to today’s topic

2:30 — VoicePad’s specialty is call to actions

5:45 — How VoicePad streamlines generating a lead to getting it to the agent

7:00 — How an interested party is directly connected to an agent via phone

9:40 — VoicePad helps agents know which calls are worth answering immediately

10:15 — How the texting part of the service works

11:15 — How VoicePad turned the open house concept on its head

12:45 — VoicePad helps the listing agent most of all

15:30 — How the data is transferred to your CRM

18:05 — The CRMs currently linked to this service

21:20 — The best thing to spend money on if you’re trying to save some

23:50 — VoicePad’s newest product

26:15 — Wrapping up today’s topic

VoicePad is helping real estate businesses be more profitable, and that grows the market and economy. The VoicePad team loves what they do and hopes to continue to solve agent’s technology problems.

If you have questions about this topic or any other I’ve discussed, call or email me. I would love to speak with you.


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