Fello Integration

Is your team using Fello to generate more hot seller leads by making their own cash offers? If so, you can easily synchronize Fello with your other systems using Real Synch. It takes just a few easy steps, and you’re good to go.

Fello Integration

Empower your business with integration

Say goodbye to complicated connections. Say hello to simple integrations.

Fello logo

Real Synch + Fello

Real Synch’s smart filters and options let you easily create Revaluate automations that sync data with the other systems you’re using.

Integrate your:

  • Lead Data
  • Notes
  • Analytics
  • And more!

Get started and set up this integration with just 4 clicks!

Why Real Estate Agents

Ryan Young
We now have more efficient operational processes, better reports, and a better consumer-agent experience thanks to automation and technology. Working with Real Synch saved us a lot of time and money!

Accelerate Your Business

Realsynch makes it easy to automate and streamline your workflow and data entry tasks, plus view your team’s activities.

  • Cloud-based—no need to download software
  • Quick and easy set-up—takes less than a minute
  • Fast data sync for your leads, contacts, and activities
  • Built-in automations that improve workflow
  • Usage and ROI reporting + custom CRM audit included
  • Plus, dedicated support from the Realsynch team

Get the Secret to Real Estate Success

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